Sunday, June 30, 2024

Coming Attractions- The Beast Within (2024)


Director- Alexander J. Farrell

Cast- Kit Harington, Ashleigh Cummings, James Cosmo, Caoilinn Springall, Ian Giles, Martina McClements

Release Date- July 26, 2024

The story of two parents trying to protect their only child from a horrible secret is simple and effective, enhanced by the dangers of a bloodthirsty werewolf. Keeping things under wraps for showing Kit Harington’s full werewolf form was a good choice. The secrecy adds to the mystique, and if we’re using his daughter’s horrified reactions as a measuring stick, you get the idea that a fully transformed Harington is a terrifying monster.

The Beast Within’s trailer has signs of a good werewolf movie. I’m guessing the curse is hereditary? The daughter peels off her fingernails, and you can clearly see her fangs in one shot. But there’s also a chance we’re just looking at a pair of fake out nightmare sequences.

I’m always a big fan of placing horror movies in an isolated or desolate area. Only one car, and outside of her mother, the daughter might have to rely on an elderly man for protection. Not too reassuring, when you’re assessing your chances for survival. That’s truly scary. 

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