Sunday, June 30, 2024

Coming Attractions- The Front Room (2024)


Directors- Max Eggers, Sam Eggers

Cast- Brandy, Kathryn Hunter, Andrew Burnap, Neal Huff

Release Date- September 6, 2024

Based on the short story of the same name, The Front Room has realism and relatability for a storyline involving a woman, who’s struggling to deal with a pesky in-law. You can tell Belinda (Brandy) is kind of hesitant to cross that line of really tearing into Solange (Kathryn Hunter) at first out of respect for her husband, but there comes a point, where you need to stand up for yourself. 

The first trailer for The Front Room is kooky and creepy. Kathryn Hunter looks fantastic, and religion and racism will obviously play a big role in the story. Another potentially good or possibly great horror film, and A24 is known for its track record of consistency. 

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