Sunday, June 30, 2024

Coming Attractions- Heretic (2024)


Directors- Scott Beck, Bryan Woods

Cast- Hugh Grant, Sophie Thatcher, Chloe East

Release Date- November 15, 2024

No sightings of demons, monsters, or any other supernatural events? No teases for exorcisms? Surprising for a horror movie that’s centered around religion. If I had to guess, they’re going with the idea that Hugh Grant IS the monster, someone who deviously wants to test the limits of Sister Barnes and Sister Paxton’s faiths and their beliefs in a higher power. Is it possible he’s a satanist? That, or he’s just some creepy and lonely guy, possibly a serial killer, who lives out in the middle of nowhere. 

Heretic’s trailer is intriguing and eerie, showcasing a tense and life threatening game of cat and mouse, and the reveal for the blueberry pie candle was excellent. 

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