Sunday, June 30, 2024

Coming Attractions- Oddity (2024)


Director- Damian Mc Carthy

Cast- Gwilym Lee, Steve Wall, Joe Rooney, Jonathan French, Carolyn  Bracken, Caroline Menton, Tadhg Murphy

Release Date- July 19, 2024

A spooky wooden mannequin and other toys? Paranormal horror films featuring toys or dolls are too hokey sometimes, but Oddity’s trailer maintains a serious tone. 

Potentially a creepy and tense paranormal horror film, the trailer for Oddity shows just enough without spoiling any major plot points. It’s one of those trailers, where you have to try and put the pieces of the puzzle together. Are evil forces responsible for the sinister events? Or is this a case of heartbreak and grief causing extreme paranoid delusions? It’s easy to lean on the side of supernatural evil, because it’s obvious that’s the direction they’re going in with the trailer, but there’s always a chance for a curveball. 

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