Tuesday, June 10, 2014

2013 End Of The Year Awards- Best Film- Her

"Sometimes I think I have felt everything I'm ever gonna feel. And from here on out, I'm not gonna feel anything new. Just lesser versions of what I've already felt."

It's a tough call, but I'm going with writer/director Spike Jonze's masterpiece for Best Film. Her offers a unique and thought-provoking form of social commentary with a futuristic twist. Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) is a socially awkward and lonely man, who's searching for a companion, so he trusts and falls in love with an operating system with artificial intelligence.

Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson) is Theodore's girlfriend, and Theodore forms a deep bond with the new love of his life. Through Theodore's eyes, Jonze provides an inside look for the modern world's troubling dependance on technology.

Remember the scene towards the end, where Theodore panics after Samantha disappears? Theodore pours everything into Samantha to feed his obsession, and Theodore fights the need for human contact and social interactions, so Theodore can't handle the thought of being alone in the world, if Samantha leaves. After all, Theodore had a few dates with Samantha, and Theodore agreed to Samantha's suggestion for a surrogate to fix intimacy problems in their relationship. 

Her features a sweet, moving, and sentimental love story, and Her is loaded with underlying messages. Jonze's quirky sense of humor is good for a few laughs, the cast is top notch (my only complaint is we don't see enough of Rooney Mara here), and you can make an argument for Joaquin Phoenix deserving a spot in the Best Actor category for the Academy Awards.

Well, that's it for 2013 End Of The Year Awards. It's my first year with the awards, so there's a good chance I'll add some new categories for the 2014 awards. As always, I hope everyone enjoyed this new post series, and I'll do my best to start on movie reviews again in the coming weeks!

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